Red Aglaonema - Plant Club | Geoponics

Red Aglaonema

Red Aglaonema Plant Features

One of the easiest of all houseplants to grow, red aglaonema is also one of the most stylish. A relatively new variety to the houseplant world, this stunner shows off dark green leaves elegantly flushed with bright red or pink. Its colorful foliage makes red aglaonema a perfect home-decor accent. It's gorgeous on desks or tabletops, as well as coffee tables and side tables in dens, living rooms, and bedrooms. 

The striking red or pink tones in the foliage also make red aglaonema a fun, stylish alternative plant for the holiday. Consider using it alongside or instead of a poinsettia. Happily, this long-lived houseplant keeps its color and will look good for years!

Make the most of red aglaonema by growing it in a colorful container that either accents or contrasts is bright, bold leaves. And note: Grow red aglaonema in just about any room of your home -- or get one for your office. (University research shows having a plant at work can help improve your memory and make you more efficient.)

Red Aglaonema Questions?
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Buy Red Aglaonema
Look for Costa Farms' Colorful Aglaonema collection at your favorite retailer. See a list of our in-store and online retailer partners. 

Red Aglaonema Growing Instructions

Grow red aglaonema in low, medium, or bright light. The plant often shows the best color in medium or indirect light indoors. In most areas, it can take some direct sun on the leaves, but in the Deep South, it's best to diffuse strong sun with a sheer curtain.

Water red aglaonema when the soil dries out. This houseplant can go a few weeks without water if you're away from home or get too busy to water. But it does grow best when watered regularly. 

Fertilize red aglaonema a couple of times a year to keep it at its best. You can fertilize more frequently if you wish. Use any houseplant fertilizer and be sure to follow the instructions on the product packaging.

Red aglaonema typically doesn't not require any pruning. 

Looking for more care tips? Check out our Houseplant Basics! 

This no-fuss plant is not intended for human or animal consumption. It's best to keep it out of reach of pets and toddlers.

Special Care

Note: In frost-free areas, red aglaonema can be grown as a stunning perennial for shade gardens. It also makes a fun container-garden plant for the shade in the north; mix it with begonias or New Guinea impatiens for a wild look!

  • Light

    Indoors: High light
    Indoors: Low light
    Indoors: Medium light

  • Colors

    Green, Pink, Red

  • Water

    Medium water needs

  • Special Features

    Purifies the air
    Super-easy to grow

Complement your Red Aglaonema with these varieties:
Complement red agalaonema's colorful foliage the flamboyant flowers of red anthurium!

Chinese Evergreen
A different type of the same plant, grow extra-easy Chinese evergreen to make red aglaonema's foliage look even brighter.

Nerve Plant
Nerve plant is another easy-to-grow plant with colorful foliage. It looks smashing paired with red agalaonema -- especially during the holidays.
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