Calamondin Orange Tree (Indoors) - Plant Club | Geoponics

Calamondin Orange Tree (Indoors)

Grow Calamondin Orange Tree Indoors

Botanical Name: Citrus x citrofortunella mitis hybrid

Calamondin orange tree is one of the best indoor fruit trees. Buy plants from a reputable grower that are grown from cuttings. Citrus plants that are grown from seed aren't reliable to bear much fruit.

This perennial shrub is actually a cross between a kumquat and a tangerine. Woody stems of this dwarf citrus tree are densely covered with oval, glossy green leaves that have a citrusy aroma.

You can expect an abundance of flowers and fruits, beginning in its second year. Fragrant, white, star-shaped flowers will appear at the tips of branches in summer, followed by 1-2 in (2.5-5 cm) fruits. 

Ripening slowly, the fruits change from deep green to bright orange. You'll usually see flowers and fruits on the tree at the same time, making calamondin tree a fresh, colorful accent for a sunny room.There is no hurry to pick calamondin oranges. They're long-lasting, so you can enjoy them for months on the tree. These oranges are tart, to say the least. Sample one for sourness before using any in cooking. You can use them in place of lemons in a recipe. I've heard they do make delicious marmalade.

Prune your plant back when new growth starts in spring to prevent it from getting leggy. Pruning back long branches in spring will encourage new branches to grow from just below the cut. Cut at an angle just after a leaf node (where a leaf attaches to a stem).

Repot young plants every couple years. Plants won't bloom if they are overpotted, so keep them in small containers. Use a pot that's about 6 in (15 cm) in diameter until plants are 3 or 4 years old, then move up to an 8 in (20 cm) container. Always use a pot with a drainage hole to prevent root rot.Pollinate your plant. Calamondin orange trees that are grown indoors will need to be hand-pollinated to trigger fruit production. Relax, it's easy to do. Use a small, dry paintbrush to dab each flower. Wiggle the brush around the center of each flower, moving from flower to flower. This carries the pollen from male to female flowers, just like bees do it.

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